Performance Preparation & RRLT

Performance Preparation


Amy Barton

Section leaders:

Soprano 1: Kayla Miller
Soprano 2: Kristin Beese
Alto 1: Chloe Davis
Alto 2: Casie Blair


Jessica Peine
Rachel Walling

Link to part tapes for 2015-2016:

Solo list for any solos you may have performance ready:


NW/Alternate Rehearsals: Wednesdays at 8pm
Soprano 1: Wednesdays at 6pm
Soprano 2: Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Alto 1: Mondays at 5:30pm
Alto 2: Tuesdays at 6pm


RRLT stands for Rehearsal Room, Lounge, and Transportation. We make sure things are left better than we found them, whether that’s checking the bus after a road show or tidying our rehearsal room.


  1. No food or drink on the tables in the rehearsal room.
  2. Make sure to not leave any belongings behind after rehearsal.
  3. If you do leave something behind, there’s a  lost and found tub in the dungeon of Bailey Hall.
  4. Clean up your area on buses, green rooms, the lounge, rehearsal rooms, etc. Even if it’s not yours, pick it up.
  5. If you ever owe an hour, be on the lookout for an email from Amy.
  6. Remember our lounge etiquette – this means no swearing, no loud music playing, etc.
  7. Heart and Soul is sharing the Linda Rohrman Room with us and have a designated table (it’s to the right of ours). The dry erase board next to our folders is for their use only.

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